DNA > Biotech

Degree in Medical Biotechnology - University of Bologna

Teacher: Pierluigi Strippoli

Teaching Material 2023/2024 in Virtuale

Paper vs. Pixels

1. Human Genomics
[Source for the exam: Chapters #1, #2 and #3 only from Information - Gene - Genome Lecture Notes in Virtuale]

2. Bibliographic Databases

3. Nucleic Acid Extraction
    [Source for the exam: Nucleic Acids Extraction principles]

4. Nucleic Acid Hybridization - Concept of Probe Specificity - Southern Blot - Northern Blot - Microarray
    [Source for the exam: Nucleic Acid Hybridization principles; and the section "Principle of method" in this review: Expression Profiling]

5. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - Primer design [Example Article] - Reaction Kinetics
    [Source for the exam: PCR principles]

6. Genetic Libraries - RNA Vaccine
    [Source for the exam: EST libraries principles; and sections nn. 1 and 2 in this review: The 5´ end mRNA artifact in cDNA cloning]  

7. Nucleic Acid Sequencing and Sequence Analysis
    [Source for the exam: Classic DNA Sequencing notes] 
    [Source for the exam: Bioinformatics Analysis in Genomics principles; and Sequence Alignment and Sequence Search articles in Virtuale]

8. System Biology - The case of trisomy 21: a model for integrated research
    [Source for the exam: sections nn. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 in this review: Genetics and Genomics of Down Syndrome in Virtuale]


Ron Howard (Director). Apollo 13. With Tom Hanks, Ed Harris. USA, 1995.
    ["Houston, we have a problem". A true story. The positive hypothesis when dealing with a problem].
 George Miller (Director). Lorenzo's Oil. With Nick Nolte, Susan Sarandon. USA, 1992.
    [The true story of two parents of a child with adrenoleukodystrophy - X-linked disease - who discover a diet therapy].
Tom Vaughan (Director). Extraordinary Measures. With Harrison Ford, Brendan Fraser. USA, 2010.
    [The story, inspired by reality, of the discovery of a cure for Pompe disease (Glycogenosis Type II)].
Andrew Niccol (Director). Gattaca. With Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman. USA, 1997.
    ["There is no gene for the human spirit."].

Lab 1 - Data Banks
Lab 2 - Gene Structure - Lab Exercise
Lab 3 - PCR Primer - Example Article (MTHFR) - Example Article [COVID-19] - In-Silico PCR
Lab 4 - Data Analysis
Lab 5 - Documentary