Scientific Method


Observation: observe real facts - Feynman: Spaghetti; "Slow motion" video - Picasso: Guardare; to look
Don't assume you already know - Il sarchiapone - RaiPlay - Puntata del 09/02/1958 - Start from 1:02:48 (in Italian)


Lavarsi le mani - The true story of Semmelweis (in Italian) - By Mino Milani ("E. Ventura") and Dino Battaglia

Società Italiana di Farmacia Ospedaliera - Linee Guida per la scrittura scientifica (in Italian)
How to write a scientific paper - by Eric Schulman
The Resistance of Astronomers to New Paradigms - by Eric Schulman
The Nobel Prize web site
   Kary Mullis (PCR, 1993)
   Craig Mello (RNAi, 2006)
   Katalin Karikó (mRNA Vaccines, 2023) - Scientific Background
Paper vs Pixels

The small biostatistician - 2021 - Quick reference card about Statistics (English/Italian; docx/pdf)
The Median Isn't the Message

Statistic Calculations
Web Pages that Perform Statistical Calculations!

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test of Normality

GraphPad QuickCalcs - Dozens of free online calculators
t test calculator
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) from Summary Data
Contingency tables
Pearson Correlation Coefficient Calculator - Linear Regression
Odds ratio (OR) calculator - OR at MedCalc [Example - Tons./App.: YY=53, YN=113, NY=61, NN=423]

G*Power - Statistical Power Analyses for Windows and Mac at Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf
Power and Sample Size Programs at UCSF Biostatistics

Chocolate consumption and Nobel Laureates - Messerli 2012 - Prinz 2020


Basic introduction to core statistical concepts and method - Nature Collection
Statistics for Biologists (and other researchers as well) - Nature Collection 
Points of Significance - Nature Methods Collection
Other Resources (Links to BMJ - The Lancet)
Five ways to fix statistics - Leek et al., Nature 2017

Fonti bibliografiche (in Italian)
Manuale di Statistica (on Line) di Lamberto Soliani (in Italian)