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Paper vs Pixels

Originality consists of returning to the origin

— Antoni Gaudì

This web page contains links to articles concerning several aspects of the method of study,
underlining that reading and writing on paper is more effective compared to the use of electronic devices.
I am aware that offering them in an electronic format is paradoxical...
but in these years of pandemics I cannot distribute them in printed form in the classroom!

Some published scientific articles confirm what was actually already well evident from our daily experience:
the superiority of the traditional techniques over the digital ones, at least regarding some specific aspects of learning.

We list some representative sources on this topic available on the web.

1. Reading on paper has specific advantages compared to reading on screens

The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens
by Ferris Jabr, Scientific American, April 11, 2013
Traduzione italiana: Carta contro Pixel

Reading linear texts on paper versus computer screen: Effects on reading comprehension
by Anne Mangen et al., International Journal of Educational Research, 2013

«Il vecchio libro meglio del tablet - I nativi digitali scelgono la carta» (in Italian)
by Paolo Di Stefano, Corriere della Sera, February 15, 2015

Reading on Paper Versus Screens: What’s the Difference?
by Kerry Benson, BrainFacts.org, July 28, 2020

«Le ragazze e i ragazzi hanno bisogno di libri di carta: si studia meglio»
(in Italian)
by Antonella Valoroso, Corriere della Sera, May 1, 2022

2. Taking notes by hand has advantages compared to typing on a keyboard

The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking
by Mueller and Oppenheimer, Psychological Science, 2014

16 Powerful Benefits of Writing by Hand
Vanilla Papers Blog, 2019

20 Reasons to Write by Hand, According to Science
Top Education Degrees website

3. Chalkboard-based lectures may be better than the computer presentation-based ones

The Slide of Education
by Leonid Teytelman, Science, 2005 [Unibo credentials required for access]

Blackboard versus PowerPoint presentation: Students opinion in medical education
by Petimani and Adache, International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches, 2015


Sagrada Familia - Gaudì