Apollo 11*DNA*Apollo

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NCBI*Genes:*Gene, CCDS, UniGene, dbEST, miRBase, HomoloGene, Nucleotide, RefSeq, GEO
Genomes: Genome, UniSTS,*SNP, ClinVar, PopSet | Proteins: Protein, CDD, Structure, Uniprot, AlphaFold | Docs: OMIM Search - Taxonomy
Blast: 2 Seq - Blast GenomeBLASTN [Mega] - Primer - Splign - SRA BLASTN - BLASTP [PSI-PHI] - BLASTX - TBLASTN - TBLASTX
Genome Maps: NCBI Genome Data Viewer (GDV) / UCSC Genome Browser / Sanger-EBI Ensembl | 1000 Genomes | dbGaP
Genome Function: Encode Explorer - Omics Discovery Index - OMICtools - Our software
Biblio: New PubMed [PubMed via Unibo proxy] [Nilde] [Corso - Eng] - MeSH - NLM Catalog - Google Scholar - Emeroteca digitale - DOI
Books: NCBI Books - Google Books - SBA - Links - Big Bear Eagle Cam
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Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM)
- virtuale.unibo.it [Guida] - AlmaEsami - EOL - Studenti

Le nostre ricerche sulla trisomia 21 (sindrome di Down) - Our research on trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
Key articles: 2013, 2016, 2018 (1), 2018 (2), 2019 (1), 2019 (2), 2020, 2021, 2022 (1), 2022 (2), 2022 (3), 2023
Our 2019 review on the "Genetics and genomics of Down syndrome"

Trisomia 21*