GebeBase 1.1.1 Compared with previous GeneBase version, a bug regarding the gene location extraction for invertebrates has been corrected, as well as minor issues in Òparse_entrezgene.pyÓ script. The following fields have added and Genebase tutorial updated with respective descriptions: - ÒChr_StartÓ, ÒChr_EndÓ added in Gene_Summary table; - ÒChromosomeÓ added in Gene_Table table; - ÒChrÓ, ÒChr_StartÓ, ÒChr_EndÓ added in Transcripts table; - ÒChr_StartÓ, ÒChr_EndÓ, ÒGene_Length_bpÓ, ÒTranscripts_per_GeneÓ, ÒmRNA_RefSeq_StatusÓ, ÒmRNA_per_GeneÓ, ÒExons_per_mRNAÓ, ÒCoding_Exons_per_mRNAÓ added in Genes table.